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1): If you've got an IRC channel, get a web client on the website so that users can join and request help.
2): More text options in "Submit thread" or "reply", there might be some hidden ones like the hash symbol to make it bold but you should show a little tool box to show users these tools, add more like Italics, underline, colors, [code][/code] ect...
3): Allow only one account per E-mail, soon enough, people will just keep making new accounts under the same E-mail.
well it's limited to 2, so i think that's good enough.
(Originally posted by LeeIzaZombie [Link])
1): If you've got an IRC channel, get a web client on the website so that users can join and request help.
No, we'd get way too much unfavorable traffic if we did that.
2): More text options in "Submit thread" or "reply", there might be some hidden ones like the hash symbol to make it bold but you should show a little tool box to show users these tools, add more like Italics, underline, colors, [code][/code] ect...
None are "hidden" and almost everything useful to end-users can be found in the Forum Markdown thread in General Discussion.
3): Allow only one account per E-mail, soon enough, people will just keep making new accounts under the same E-mail.
I won't limit via email for the foreseeable future. Gmail allows you to arbitrarily insert as many periods as you want into your email address, so any sort of filtering can be bypassed by using gmail, but I can't simply strip periods from the address as some hosts won't work like that and will consider ex.ample
different from exam.ple