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News updates, up-to-date downloads, and documentation on the server software can be found there.
Global chat refers to chat messages that are sent to all players on all maps.
In D3, if you just type a message, such as "Hello", then only people on the same map as you will see the message you have sent. This is "map chat".
To send Global Chat, simply place a "#" in front of your message. It will then be sent to all players on all maps. Example: "#Hello" will be sent to everyone, whereas "Hello" will not.
Note: If the server you are on is running an IRC Bridge, the people on IRC will be able to see both Map chat and Global chat.
To create a simple box, select the material you wish to use, type /box, then place 2 blocks. The area between these 2 blocks will be filled with the block you placed second.
Next are two optional uses of /box. The first allows you to replace all blocks of a certain material between two points.
If you use /box brick for example, then place two blocks, any brick blocks between the two blocks you placed will be replaced with whatever you are holding.
The third and final optional use of /box is a new addition, which is /box -p, or /box [material] -p.
If you use this command and your client supports the SelectionCuboid add in, then you will be shown the area that will be affected by your /box command. You then have the option to cancel or accept your /box.
Hollow box follows all of the same rules above, including the ability to preview the edited areas. However, when you create the hollow box, as the name implies, the inside of the box will be hollow instead of solid.
If you client can send the "&" character, the server will not kick you for doing so, so you can use this for color codes.
If your client does not support color codes, you may use a % instead. For example, the following text would be sent as dark red: "%4Hello there"
Emotes in recent versions of D3 use the same shortcuts as those on fCraft, there are however a few less alternatives. If the chat code you are using is not working, look at the fCraft emote wiki page, and try using the first emote text listed.
A Lua script is a server-side script that the D3 Software uses to extend its capabilities. This can be new block physics, game modes, commands, map generators, and so on.
The advantage with these is they are easy to write, well documented, and do not require a server restart to be used. (Just save the script and it will be reloaded for you!)
There is a theoretical maximum of 65534 different ranks. Each rank is defined by a single, or a range of numbers.
Rank -32767 is disallowed from joining the server, and is used primarily for cases of extreme grief.
After that, all other ranks are defined by the server owner. Each command has a minimum rank number that can use the command. This extends to maps in who can join, build on, and see maps.
If you have any other questions or suggestions to be added to this list (Or even a tutorial!) Then post in this thread, or give us a ring over in IRC! (See above for IRC information).
-- Umby24
yay thanks for teh awesome tutorial Umby, well done :P
When i sent the "&" thing it said "illegal character in chat!" or something, please help!
Then you are not using D3 Software. The D3 software does not kick you for using illegal characters, it just replaces them with a "#".
If you wish to use a color code in D3 and can't type a &, you may use "%", and the server will replace it with "&" for you. Also, if you wish to type an actual % and not a color code, place two of them together like this: "%%".
Now the first software to support ALL CPE Extensions! That's right. All of them.