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I see so many new servers of people that will most likely die within the first weak. When you want a server to stay and work you should consider following things in order to have success:

1.) Rules - Everybody needs rules, everybody needs to obey these rules. Make sure you fill those up properly. 2.) Staff - Not giving away staff ranks for free/ begging, use common sense and only promote people you trust. 3.) Rules - again, everyone needs to obey these, no matter if staff, admin or player. If anyone breaks the rules punish them, if its yourself (as an admin) breaking the rules, your server wont have success. 4.) go through the options, read through everything, make your server unique, no another mcdzienny zombie crap server with a fancy name 5.) Prepare all these steps BEFORE you let people to your community, don't do it later when you get some players, thats a must have before public should connect to you. You want to make a good impression don't you? 6.) Have a dedicated server to host, or somewhere where you can guarantee a update of 99%, there is no point putting up your server for a few hours each day. That won't last and people will leave. People want to play when they got time and not wait for you. 7.) Once you got a few players, listen to them, they will have good and bad ideas, you should think of the advantages/disadvantages then reason your decision. 8.) Have a forum or something where people can write outside Minecraft(classicube), if your server goes down for any reason, you can post news there, people can chat with each other etc.

Just stop making servers where you expect people to join, that are not even configured properly ! It will only lose you the one thing you want: players

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