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[CC Client] How to upload diagnostic information

AndrewPH time for dominate Sat Mar 8 at 21:36:34 (2014)

Short version: Open up the launcher, click on "Preferences" then click on "Submit diagnostic information", wait a moment for it to upload the info, then copy the url it gives you and give it to the person who asked for it.

Long version, with pretty pictures:

  1. Run the ClassiCube Launcher
  2. Click on Preferences in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Click on "Submit diagnostic information" near the bottom of the window that pops up
    ->That's a paddlin<-
  4. Wait a moment for a window to pop up
    ->It'll look like this<-
  5. Right click the URL, and paste it where it was requested.

Your account name and your computer account's name may be in the logs, but no passwords will ever be in the logs.


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