Howdy pardner!

These here forums are read-only. Click here to go to the new forums, where you can actually post and stuff!

Sorry for the inconvenience


I am making an zienny server. I want the highest rank besides nobody to be "admin" but every time I change it, as soon as I run the server, it changes back to superop! Is there a way to stop this?

AndrewPH time for dominate Fri Aug 29 at 4:29:01 (2014)

I suggest asking this question on the MCDzienny forums.

ok thx

Well it seems that the MCDzienny forums are inactive-ish as all of the posts except for my post are at least 8 days old.

That's not terribly inactive.

In any case, I won't be able to provide support for that particular software. I'll provide support for D3, others may be able to help.

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