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Why Is Almost Nobody On ClassiCube? Every Time I Play ClassiCube There Has Never Ben More Then 10 People On All Of The Servers? Why Is This?

                                           -Thankyou For Your Feedback

                                                  -Tyler Hartman

That is because classic is getting less popular and people have a life outside of the internet. School, work, playing another game, and other shiz. The holidays are usually filled with more people.

Tylerhartman2000 Tue Dec 9 at 17:47:36 (2014)


AndrewPH time for dominate Wed Dec 10 at 9:25:09 (2014)

If you want more people to play, start telling people about it.

Tylerhartman2000 Wed Dec 17 at 2:02:06 (2014)


yes advertising classi is the best way to do it on other forums and stuff.

++deathlyErebus5 posted:++

yes advertising classi is the best way to do it on other forums and stuff.

as long as the forum/place of advertisement allows it

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