Section 1: Things you can't post.
- Racism
- Offensive material
* including NSFW or NSFL material, such as nudity or gore.
- "Raid" threads, such as "Grief this stupid ass-server! [link]".
- Advertisements (Unless given permission from a CC developer, or the thread is dedicated to this.)
- Links to any of the above.
- Illegal material (as defined by US Law)
- Quotes of any of the above (May result in a ban if severe)
- Spam
- Stuff that you can use common sense to determine whether or not you should proceed.
Overall, don't be dumb. Use common sense. We are ban-happy, but forum bans will not stop you from playing ClassiCube. This will be the case for the foreseeable future.
Section 2: Things you CAN post about, but shouldn't!
- Your server (without advertising), like "My server uses 'x' software, what software does yours use?"
- Your recent griefing escapades
- Your IRC channel.
Section 3: Things that you CAN, without a doubt, post about.
- ClassiCube
- Jonty's "YOLO"-ing.
- Anything not covered by section 1 and 2 (as long as it's related to the section you're posting in!)
Don't have too much fun!