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Every time I try and launch it says it stopped working. and this pops up
=== crash occurred ===
Time: 5/5/2016 3:53:15 PM
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The operation was canceled by the user
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at Launcher.Client.StartImpl(ClientStartData data, Boolean classicubeSkins, String args, Boolean& shouldExit)
at Launcher.Client.Start(ClientStartData data, Boolean classicubeSkins, Boolean& shouldExit)
at Launcher.LauncherWindow.ConnectToServer(List1 publicServers, String hash)
at Launcher.LauncherTableWidget.GetSelectedServer(Int32 mouseX, Int32 mouseY)
at Launcher.LauncherTableWidget.HandleOnClick(Int32 mouseX, Int32 mouseY)
at Launcher.LauncherScreen.MouseButtonDown(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
at System.EventHandler
1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.Input.MouseDevice.set_Item(MouseButton button, Boolean value)
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.WindowProcedure(IntPtr handle, WindowMessage message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.API.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
at OpenTK.Platform.Windows.WinGLNative.ProcessEvents()
at OpenTK.NativeWindow.ProcessEvents(Boolean retainEvents)
at Launcher.LauncherWindow.Run()
at Launcher.Program.Main(String[] args)
Are you clicking 'cancel' on the dialog that opens up when it asks for if you want to 'open ClassicalSharp.exe'?