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Hello, I am an old fCraft staff member, known as Kael. I was a staff member for almost two years, until the unfortunate day that it was shut down. Upon that day, I asked Ollieboy if he wouldn't mind sending me the original files for future use. He did, and now I would like to share them all with you. These are not all the files, though.

He did not include the playerbase, ban list and other player information for obvious reasons. He included the original configuration and most of the maps including a few of the very last maps, still preserved, almost as if in amber. As well as some of the original Staff created maps.

As I am currently unable to host, I am willing to allow someone access to these files if they are able to operate a 24/7 server, free to the community in honor of fCraft. My only wish is that you do not try to profit off the server in anyway. If the server is still as wonderful as it once was, players should be happy enough to financially assist whoever is hosting.

UnknownShadow200 🔧 Mon Jan 16 at 7:50:40 (2017)

I'm happy to run a museum server 24/7 on my VPS for free with these maps.

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