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Heya guys!
I'm going to promote ClassiCube on several sites, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, maybe more. There is already a trailer been uploaded today by me which should give a clear view what ClassiCube actually is. You can see the video here >
To promote the game successfully I've discovered there was no Facebook page of ClassiCube. The page has been created now which can also be controlled in the future by the official staff of ClassiCube. >
Ideas are welcome.
++Peekarica posted:++
Heya guys!
I'm going to promote ClassiCube on several sites, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, maybe more. There is already a trailer been uploaded today by me which should give a clear view what ClassiCube actually is. You can see the video here >
To promote the game successfully I've discovered there was no Facebook page of ClassiCube. The page has been created now which can also be controlled in the future by the official staff of ClassiCube. >
Ideas are welcome.
Cool idea! , though. and a well done video too. hopefully this (smh) revives server and everything. though, i doubt thats going to happen. but +100 for your efforts though!
now all we need is some bigshot youtuber to play it ( 0 - 0 )
too late bucko i do that already XD but is a good idea
this should have more players.
++Peekarica posted:++
Ideas are welcome.
Ideas? hmm... ehh idk , i was gonna play have it mentioned on popular minecraft sites :O
Well better than the trailer made by Jonny2002 for sure!
pls the game is dead and the community is cancer, nobody will join.
++Jonesey posted:++
pls the game is dead and the community is cancer, nobody will join.
People shouldn't be so negative about the online count or community. This game is epic in all it's glory. Maybe sometime in the future there will be a modified Minecraft Alpha 1.2.6 client. I'm well aware that the entire code has to be rewritten from zero.
..if you look into the past, ClassiCube has been online now for years. Who knows what the future brings.
From hosting numerous servers, and being an IRC network owner of which multiple servers have used in the past I know what the future brings us; cancer, drama, fuckery, empty threats and more kids who think that having a rank with a colour makes them the special snowflake of the server.
how about free fidget spinners for all users who have been online for over 2 months - we can solve world peace
++Peekarica posted:++
People shouldn't be so negative about the online count or community. This game is epic in all it's glory. Maybe sometime in the future there will be a modified Minecraft Alpha 1.2.6 client. I'm well aware that the entire code has to be rewritten from zero.
..if you look into the past, ClassiCube has been online now for years. Who knows what the future brings.
absolutely nothing most likely
Classic and Classicube is dead. So, just give up. Plus, I don't want more kids like @thecountispurple and @unstoppable. So please. Just no.
++CrystalTheKidRC posted:++
Classic and Classicube is dead. So, just give up. Plus, I don't want more kids like @thecountispurple and @unstoppable. So please. Just no.
++disgust.supreme posted:++
how about free fidget spinners for all users who have been online for over 2 months - we can solve world peace
how about free admin for all users who have been online for over 2 months - we can solve world peace
++Lemon posted:++
how about free admin for all users who have been online for over 2 months - we can solve world peace
Lemon. hey you're back. that's pretty good (wheres will? xD )
++RinLen posted:++
Lemon. hey you're back. that's pretty good
(wheres will? xD )
i don't know, and don't care.
Hello. First of all I'd like to say that I'm sorry about a recent post I did some time ago about the state of Classicube. That post was made on a day that I was very depressed due to personal reasons. Not to mention that the post was garbage and had little to no points to it. Now onto the topic, I think the best way to get the game popular is a way similar to how normal MC got popular, through the many YouTube videos, creative builds, and new interesting concepts and custom minicamps that were made over time. If you can do these you may get more players, but that's just my opinion.