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edit:abandon thread was being stupid
edit #2: actually, I've got the problem when i launch a server then close launcher.exe classicalsharp.exe disappears then it gives me the error. sorry for not specifying the problem enough, unk - fault on my part
better gif (p.s sorry) when i launch the server, classicalsharp.exe goes away and the server won't come on
Probably antivirus or security software is deleting it, whitelist the exe and/or the folder.
Thanks, Unk
I apprereciate the help - it worked
edit: worked but then the bug is happening again
edit #2: worked but then the av issue's happening again i'll try fix it
It's not a bug in the client. If your security software is still deciding to delete ClassicalSharp.exe even after whitelisting, that's a problem with the security software.
p r o b l e m s?