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how to create a bot ? please
Hey, first of all, I have unbanned you on my server since I found out you're not a troll.
Second of all, please use the appropriate way to find help, /help bot instead of posting this.
Third of all, I want to show you some basic commands about bots since you probably want to know them so much you didn't even bother looking for them in-game .
/botadd <name> - Adds a bot on your position with <name>, and the colour of the name should be blue. If that name is not associated with a ClassiCube account, the skin should be Steve
/botremove <name> - Removes the bot with the name of <name>, cannot be undone.
A little break, I really wanna know if I'm wasting my time on a troll or a real newcomer
/nick bot <name> <nick> - Changes bot <name>'s name above its head to <nick>.
/skin bot <name> <skin> - Changes bot <name>'s skin to <skin>. If you write $skin, everyone will see their own skin.
/color bot <name> <colour> - Changes bot <name>'s colour to <colour>. Write /colors to see all available colours.
/botsummon <name> - Teleports the bot to you
/bot list - Shows all bots
/bot tp <name> - Teleports you to bot <name>
There are more, but find them in-game by using /help bot, if you need questions please ask someone on the server you're in, thank you.
Nice guide here. I also wrote my own:
Only, /botnick doesn't work on anything except my server.
Locked: Not a tutorial.