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post favorite food condiments here pls
The blood of my fallen enemies.
(Originally posted by 123DontMessWitMe [Link])
The blood of my fallen enemies.
That's just too brutal dude
(Originally posted by AndrewPH [Link])
That's just too brutal dude
Oh I'm sorry, what I meant to say was rainbows and sunshine!
Or probably just Franks Red Hot Sauce. That would suffice I guess.
why skin nuh upd8
(Originally posted by LeChosenOne [Link])
why skin nuh upd8
that's not a condiment.
In order to get this thread back to rolling the proper way, I bring you, Honey Mustard!
-> <-
OMG! Chosen!!
Depends what food it is. If I'm getting something from subway, ranch dressing all the way, but if it's a regular sandwich I'm making from home, just Mayo for me.
Pepper. Peppper. And Honey Mustard too.
OMG It's Lechosen! remember me? to the topic: I like ranch dressing