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The existing packet includes the player's yaw and pitch but not their current position. Would it be possible to add the position (in float coordinates) to the end of the packet? Right now the server can't tell exactly what the player clicked on if they are moving since it only has the last position they sent.
I may be completely misunderstanding but PlayerClick already has packets to figure out exactly which block or entity they clicked on.
He means the case where you don't click on anything.
Since the game uses TCP to communicate, shouldn't the player's position relative to when the mouseclick packet was sent always be right (or very close)?
Position is sent 10 times a second or something like that, so if someone's moving fast while clicking it could be off by enough to make a difference even with no lag. But your comment would apply if clicking caused the client to send a movement packet immediately followed by a click packet.
That's a good point, and maybe instead of adding a new revision of the extension, just change the behavior of the client that almost everybody uses to do what you just described, and modify the spec to strongly suggest doing it that way?
I like this suggestion and I wish we had more precise player location in general. Right now if you teleport a player to themselves while they are next to a wall, they clip through it.