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I'm at my wits end and am about to give up on this, but I've been trying to create custom maps using schematic files for my MCGalaxy server.
I've figured out how to create .dat files using MCEdit, and I've imported schematics into those worlds successfully, and they work just fine with MineCraft: Java Ed.
I've tried using MapConverter from fCraft to convert the level.dat file into a map format compatible with Classicube though, and MapConverter refuses to do so. It does not give any helpful error. I've tried old and new versions of MCEdit to no avail.
MCGalaxy does not seem to work with level.dat files, and I'm not sure any of the Classicube browser-friendly servers do.
Would anyone have any suggestions for me?
What do you mean by MCGalaxy not working with level.dat files? It definitely should work with them.
Can you upload a .dat file you are trying to convert so I can inspect it?
If you put the level dimensions in your MCGalaxy .lvl file name, you can open it with older versions of MCedit, like this one:
For example mountains_256_256_256.lvl
Open with MCEdit, do whatever you need, save.
UnknownShadow200 posted:
What do you mean by MCGalaxy not working with level.dat files? It definitely should work with them.
Can you upload a .dat file you are trying to convert so I can inspect it?
This is the map I made with MCEdit. It works when I add it to the ~/.minecraft/saved/ folder for MineCraft Java Edition.
It does not work with MapConverter (just "skips" the .dat files).
When I try with MCGalaxy, the GUI can't find the map as its looking for a *.lvl filename. I have tried /load xxxxx to no avail.
When I try to load the world via Classicube in Singleplayer, it lists level.dat and other dat files in the folder, but they do not respond when clicked.
I think I just have no idea what I am doing. Perhaps I'll try the version of MCEdit that @Goodly posted as that seems to be an even older version than the 1.x prelease version I was using??
Thank you for the replies. I didn't expect help so quick, so thank you.
To import .dat files you would use /import instead of /load.
Unfortunately, the level.dat in that zip cannot be imported. Despite being called level.dat, it is not a minecraft classic map, but instead just a NBT file containing metadata about the world.
Although, I am bit concerned by the buttons not responding when clicked. For me it just creates an empty world and says Error CCDED03E when decoding 'maps/level.dat', which is what it should be doing for you too. What behaviour are you seeing exactly?
I did a video capture demonstrating what I'm doing; sharing via Youtube.
Sorry for rambling; I'm feeling like a complete moron and I have very little experience with Minecraft/Classicube.
So I did just write a Python script to convert from Schematic files to ClassiCube *.lvl (MCSharp) file types.I hosted the script on Google's Colab, so you don't need to download anything to run the converter. You can also create your own schematic files at for free, which also supports STL files.
Once converted to MCSharp format, you can kinda convert to many other file type using MapConverter.exe via fCraft.
Anyways, Link to the Schematic to LVL converter below: