Howdy pardner!

These here forums are read-only. Click here to go to the new forums, where you can actually post and stuff!

Sorry for the inconvenience


Hello all! Evening and morning to all that see this! For I am new to this forum and I do indeed enjoy coding I have decided to release some code in the "Programming" section. Since I have not seen anything warning against posting code unrelated to minecraft and such I will post here until told otherwise! Also a warning to the Admin or Developer of Classicube your client (for windows) classicube.exe has been detected as dangerous by my AV Norton. I do not think that it is but maybe you should fix something..? Anyways enough of me talking enjoy my super amazing program all source of course because I am assuming you all know how to run a batch file. If not bare with me and suffer through more of my talking. Step 1: copy copy everything below [code] and above [/code] if that didn't help then copy from @echo off to ::The end

Step 2: open notepad or any other application like Microsoft word, notepad++, etc. basically anything thing you can save the file with

Step 3: paste this can be done by right clicking mouse and selecting paste if that option doesn't show then repeat Step 1

Step 4: save as save as the file name it whatever with .bat at the end then click the drop down menu "save as type" and pick "all files"

Step 5: Find the new file where ever you saved it at and run it and watch the magic unfold! That's all

[code] @echo off :start echo Hello all I'm new to this forum! ping localhost -n 3 >nul cls :newp echo That is all and enjoy your day! :wrong set /p merp=Exit Program? if %merp% == yes goto exit if %merp% == Yes goto exit if %merp% == YEs goto exit if %merp% == YES goto exit if %merp% == YeS goto exit if %merp% == yEs goto exit if %merp% == yES goto exit if %merp% == yeS goto exit if %merp% == ye goto exit if %merp% == y goto exit if %merp% == Y goto exit if %merp% == yeah goto exit if %merp% == yea goto exit if %merp% == c goto exit if %merp% == C goto exit if %merp% == Si goto exit if %merp% == si goto exit if %merp% == sI goto exit if %merp% == Yeah goto exit if %merp% == yesh goto exit if %merp% == Yesh goto exit if %merp% == yesH goto exit if %merp% == yeSH goto exit if %merp% == yESH goto exit if %merp% == YESH goto exit if %merp% == Yer goto exit if %merp% == yer goto exit if %merp% == yers goto exit if %merp% == no goto start2 cls echo OHH GAWD OHH GAWD WHAT THE FRIGGLE HAPPENED?! echo Maybe we should try this one again? All you have to type is yes or no echo Go ahead and type yes any way you want! :P ping localhost -n 7 >nul cls goto newp goto wrong :exit exit :start2 cls goto start

::Super easy Batch program with my code and something else in here as well ::Please do not copy this or redistribute without my permission. ::I hardly believe anyone would since batch is a super easy and painless ::program to learn and on top of that it is a dead language. ::The end [/code]

Welcome to the forum, You should checkout the Forum Markdown Thread for proper use of forum markdown, as we do not use BBCode.

Also, to insert a new line, press enter twice. (2 newlines = 1).

As for your issue with the Anti-Virus, you should try out a better anti-virus software, Norton is a ripoff. There are plenty of free alternatives that are much better, more friendly to your resources, and that correctly identify classicube.exe

If it does bother you that much, just download the mac/linux version, it will work just fine on windows as well.

AndrewPH time for dominate Tue Dec 24 at 10:33:11 (2013)

(Originally posted by zoid [Link])

maybe you should fix something..?

Norton is complete crap, classicube.exe gets flagged because it downloads the client files and isn't signed with a code-signing certificate. No reasonable AV will think classicube.exe is a virus.

Haha thanks you guys I'll have to download the linux version for now. To umby24 thanks for the advice and helpful link to the markdown. To AndrewPH thanks for clearing things up. :P

AVG is actually a pretty good free AV.

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